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Affinità elettive e sesto senso. Nanga Vigo
Affinità elettive e sesto senso. Nanga Vigo

50 min

Lingua: Italiano

Regia: Marco Poma

We have five senses with which we orientate ourselves in the material world. And then there’s a sixth sense, shared by all humans, which is the one that can open us to other dimensions”. This idea runs as a leitmotiv through Nanda Vigo’s collection of works. Fascinated by the possible existence of other inhabited worlds, Vigo constructs new ones with her art collection and lets us enter into her “cosmic life”, a life of objects that capture and texturize light. By getting rid of the space/time dichotomy, light constructs chronotopic settings where Vigo celebrates the “freedom from materialism” and plays with abstract shapes. Her digging deeper, and discovering something new every time, opens our eyes well. Marco Poma’s latest documentary combines clips from his other previous films on Vigo, with no claim to be a thorough study of her, since, as the director says, this is “just another film that wanders towards a… non-destination”.

50 min

Lingua: Italiano

Regia: Marco Poma

We have five senses with which we orientate ourselves in the material world. And then there’s a sixth sense, shared by all humans, which is the one that can open us to other dimensions”. This idea runs as a leitmotiv through Nanda Vigo’s collection of works. Fascinated by the possible existence of other inhabited worlds, Vigo constructs new ones with her art collection and lets us enter into her “cosmic life”, a life of objects that capture and texturize light. By getting rid of the space/time dichotomy, light constructs chronotopic settings where Vigo celebrates the “freedom from materialism” and plays with abstract shapes. Her digging deeper, and discovering something new every time, opens our eyes well. Marco Poma’s latest documentary combines clips from his other previous films on Vigo, with no claim to be a thorough study of her, since, as the director says, this is “just another film that wanders towards a… non-destination”.
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