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Dimmi di Vico (Biondino, Porcellini Librizzi, Urquiola Boeri)
Dimmi di Vico (Biondino, Porcellini Librizzi, Urquiola Boeri)

40 min

Lingua: Italiano

Regia: Daria Galli, Francesca Molteni

Tre cortometraggi:
Dimmi di Vico. Gianni Biondillo, Francesco Librizzi, Luca Poncellini.
Dimmi di Vico. Patricia urquiola.
Dimmi di Vico. Stefano Boeri.

What is the secret behind a stimulating guided museum tour? Perhaps it is the ability of the guide to narrate an objective story of things, people, events, but filtered through personal experience, a particular perspective and interpretation. Fondazione Studio Museo Vico Magistretti has invited Patricia Urquiola, Stefano Boeri, Gianni Biondillo, Francesco Librizzi and Luca Poncellini to become exceptional guides. In three videos, these professionals lead visitors through the spaces of the studio, amidst the objects that surrounded Magistretti during the 60 years of his career at the sudio in Via Conservatorio, narrating the place and the person from their own viewpoints, based on professional experience, and their own memories.

40 min

Lingua: Italiano

Regia: Daria Galli, Francesca Molteni

Tre cortometraggi:
Dimmi di Vico. Gianni Biondillo, Francesco Librizzi, Luca Poncellini.
Dimmi di Vico. Patricia urquiola.
Dimmi di Vico. Stefano Boeri.

What is the secret behind a stimulating guided museum tour? Perhaps it is the ability of the guide to narrate an objective story of things, people, events, but filtered through personal experience, a particular perspective and interpretation. Fondazione Studio Museo Vico Magistretti has invited Patricia Urquiola, Stefano Boeri, Gianni Biondillo, Francesco Librizzi and Luca Poncellini to become exceptional guides. In three videos, these professionals lead visitors through the spaces of the studio, amidst the objects that surrounded Magistretti during the 60 years of his career at the sudio in Via Conservatorio, narrating the place and the person from their own viewpoints, based on professional experience, and their own memories.
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